throw\ together

throw\ together
1. III
throw together smth., smb. /smth., smb. together/ he threw his things together он наскоро собрал свои вещи; chance had thrown us together случай свел нас вместе
2. XI
1) be thrown together to do smth. two rooms were thrown together to form a large hall соединили вместе две комнаты и получился большой зал; be thrown together at some place many races and nationalities have been thrown together in the American melting-pot многие расы и национальности смешались, переселившись на американский континент; we were thrown together [very much] at school в школе мы были [очень] связаны друг с другом /нам [часто] приходилось встречаться/; be thrown together by smth. they were thrown together by a common interest их связывал общий интерес; they were thrown together by circumstances их свели обстоятельства
2) be thrown together that last textbook of his seems to have been thrown together похоже на то, что последний его учебник составлен в большой спешке /кое-как/
3. XXI1
throw together smb., smth. at (in) smth. chance had thrown us together at a skiing resort случай свел нас вместе на лыжном курорте; we threw our things together in a bag мы побросали все вещи в чемодан

English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "throw\ together" в других словарях:

  • throw together — throw (someone) together to bring people together in a manner that is not planned. The refugees were thrown together in large camps. We d throw together people from different parts of our lives and have a great big party …   New idioms dictionary

  • throw together — throw (something) together to create something quickly without preparation. We came home late and I just threw something together for us to eat. It was one of those low cost movies that studios often throw together …   New idioms dictionary

  • throw together — ► throw together 1) bring (people) into contact, especially by chance. 2) make or produce hastily or without careful planning. Main Entry: ↑throw …   English terms dictionary

  • throw together — verb 1. produce shoddily, without much attention to detail • Syn: ↑fudge together • Hypernyms: ↑produce, ↑make, ↑create • Verb Frames: Somebody s something 2 …   Useful english dictionary

  • throw together — phrasal verb [transitive] Word forms throw together : present tense I/you/we/they throw together he/she/it throws together present participle throwing together past tense threw together past participle thrown together 1) to make something quickly …   English dictionary

  • throw together — 1) PHRASAL VERB If you throw something together, for example a meal or a costume, you make it quickly and not very carefully. [INFORMAL] [V P n (not pron)] Too often, picnic preparation consists of throwing together some sandwiches and grabbing… …   English dictionary

  • throw together — Synonyms and related words: ad lib, admix, alloy, amalgamate, bat out, bemingle, blend, botch, bungle, coalesce, combine, commingle, commix, compose, compound, concoct, conglomerate, cook up, dash off, do anyhow, do by halves, do carelessly, do… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • throw together — {v.} 1. also[slap together] To make in a hurry and without care. * /Bill and Bob threw together a cabin out of old lumber./ * /The party was planned suddenly, and Mary threw together a meal out of leftovers./ 2. To put in with other people by… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • throw together — {v.} 1. also[slap together] To make in a hurry and without care. * /Bill and Bob threw together a cabin out of old lumber./ * /The party was planned suddenly, and Mary threw together a meal out of leftovers./ 2. To put in with other people by… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • throw\ together — v 1. • slap together To make in a hurry and without care. Bill and Bob threw together a cabin out of old lumber. The party was planned suddenly, and Mary threw together a meal out of leftovers. 2. To put in with other people by chance. The group… …   Словарь американских идиом

  • throw together — phrasal 1. to put together in a hurried and usually careless manner < a bookshelf hastily thrown together > 2. to bring into casual association < different kinds of people are thrown together Richard Sennett > …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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